Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Faith Healing: Child Abuse, Torture and Homocide-David Kostinchuk(3/-01)

(Click on title for entrance to the rest of the article, including a small snippet on the COFB, as well as children victims of faith healing practices)

"The children cited in this article are victims. They go through untold agony and suffering because their parents somehow believe that faith healing and modern medicine are mutually exclusive. The absence of medical treatment for these children was not because of economic hardship or unavailability, but rather a belief system that opts for prayer instead of medical treatment. As a society, we must ask ourselves- where are the children's rights in regard to medical treatment, and the right to not suffer needlessly? It is ironic that from a military perspective, it would be regarded as torture for medical treatment to be withheld by armed forces members. In all likelihood, the personnel involved would be charged with war crimes or crimes against humanity, regardless of their excuses.

It is also ironic that many who promote faith healing to such extremes look down not only other religions, but also on mainstream Christians. Those who oppose their fundamentalist rhetoric are labeled as "false believers". This is one example of numerous techniques used to promote an "us versus them" mindset among their followers. This line of thought discourages critical thinking, and is at the core of most fundamentalist regimes."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Recognize you're in a Cult

"Are you told not to question what is being taught because the leaders are honest and want the best for you so you must trust them. Has someone replaced your own choices in life.

Are you told not to ask questions why anyone left, your to accept the answers the leaders give you such as: they fell into sin, they didn’t receive correction, they weren’t open or they had a bad heart and didn’t want to be disciples

Are you told that you must be with their certain church or group to be saved and not by Jesus Christ.

If you want to leave are you being told their is no other church that practices truth, you will go to hell.

Are you made to feel your failures, that your performance is not up to par for the bibles standard

Are you being rebuked for things such as the way you say hello or how you respond to being asked to do something for a leader or disciple. Do they tell you its a matter of the heart how one complies.

Are they putting down other church’s and building themselves up. Do they sometimes use people as examples of what you are to be doing and others on what you are not to be doing.

Do they bring attention to what they do, and ignoring others that may be doing the same things outside their church.

Do they put down others to make themselves look better, calling themselves righteous and others unrighteous

Do they call those who leave fall away’s and enemies, dogs returning to their own vomit, using the examples of Korah or Judas.

Do they stop you from reading anything negative about themselves calling it spiritual pornography or recommend you not to read it for your own spiritual protection.

Do they recommend for you to be around their people expecting you to be at all the group activities. If not you're spirituality and dedication are questioned.

Do they defend all that they do even though it can be harmful or wrong.

Do they operate by humility or are they arrogant and demand you to obey if you are considering otherwise. Or is it done subtly by manipulating you into obeying by statements such as, real Christians obey their leaders or if you were following Jesus you would see what I’m saying is right. true disciples did not question Jesus.


People telling you how talented you are and saying you can really go places. (flattery goes a long way in cults)

An instant bonding of friendship without your knowing who they are or they really knowing you, they act as your best friend (love bombing still works).

When you ask questions about their history or the group they are vague in their answers or avoid answering them. (not answering or postponing it makes it go away)

Are you required to attend studies, going through the program before you are allowed to be a Christian. (this will attach you to the groups goals)

Are they emphasizing their church and who they are, more than Christ. They teach that one can only be a Christian by joining them. (exclusive spirituality appeals to our pride and works well today)

Cults will always divide the family unit instead of bringing them together. They will make you choose between God and their church. they use scriptures such as Jesus came to bring a sword not peace or one must give up brothers sisters wife and house for the kingdom and be a true follower Children often become the most hurt because of strict rules enforced on them.they lose their childhood and are deeply affected being unable to adjust later on in life.Religious systems that are not balanced can be socially and psychologically disastrous for innocent children. (click here to go to facts on Jehovah Witnesses and children)

What to do when confronted to join

Say you're not interested and do not put up with their badgering and phone calls.Tell them you want time to think about what they are teaching before you become committed to their group. If they pressure you for attendance or continuing in their studies then you know this is not something good.

If you are already a member, leave while it may be easy because it doesn’t get easier to leave later on.


You have every right to ask questions, lots of them in fact. Ask about what other churches they are affiliated with.

What is their history and the people involved and those they look up to for spiritual teaching. What books influenced them or what do they read.

What is their doctrine, is their basic beliefs and philosophy of ministry on paper. If not, why not.

Can you review on paper their revenues, are they open to the people and public. Do they review who gives what to the Church. Are peoples finances monitored?

If others left can you find out why, or is mum the word. Do they allow you to speak to former members. If this is not allowed, this becomes the biggest check in joining quickly. Watch if they become uncomfortable in your asking about their origins or teachings.

Give yourself some time if you're seeking to know God or looking for a church he will give you warnings and lead you. Don’t ignore the warning signs or checks on how they conduct themselves no matter how friendly the people are . Love and emotional attachments are an old ruse to have you accepted without any strings attached. This doesn’t last long. Ask what they do on their spare time .Many times ones talent and creativity is smothered as all their time goes toward the group or church.

Where do all the people in cults come from?

Ron Rhodes writes in his book "The Culting of America," "It is a common myth that unbelievers join Cults." Percentages show that those who join these aberrant groups formerly attended Christian Churches.

Dr. Paul Martin of Wellspring Retreat (where cultists adjust from their harmful experiences) writes, "Twenty-five percent formerly attended evangelical, fundamental churches. Over 40 % had backgrounds in large, more liberal Protestant denominations."

Lately the International Churches of Christ probably have the greatest percentage of Church converts. Because their main goal is to go into the Christian Churches and remove people.

Their are 2 categories of cults one is doctrinally the other is sociologically.

1. Almost all cults deny the Apostles creed which consists of the virgin birth, deity of Christ, his resurrection, his atonement aon the cross nd 2nd coming. They have tendency to pronounce other groups as apostate and they alone have the truth.

3. They devalue or deny the deity of Christ.

4. They have Extra sources of biblical revelation they may use Gods word with something else to interpret it

5. They have salvation by works -either denying God's grace or add performance. It will not always be easy to spot. Mormons say they are saved by grace-this means from death and not the penalty of sin.

6. They will deny a major doctrine. Cult like groups take a minor doctrine and make it a major. Ex: you must speak in tongues to be saved.

The following are basic patterns, or characteristics, found in almost all cults that one can easily identify.

Additions - Cults add to the Word of God by having additional writings they call scripture, or by saying that only the Bible is God's Word but you cannot understand it without their interpretation from their own teachers or books. The Bible is discouraged to be read alone.

Subtraction - Cults subtract from the Person of Jesus by saying he is something less than Eternal Deity. Or they will add their own teacher as deity.

Multiplication - Every false religion has works as part of their system of salvation. They also usually specify what works must be performed at a certain level for acceptance to their group and God.

Mediators- They will always have others involved for ones salvation by others. For the J.W.’s it is the 144,000. for the International Churches of Christ its discipleship partners. For Mormons it is to join their church for salvation and use their materials- Doctrine and Covenants, Journal of Discourses and the Melchizedek priesthood.

Divisive - Cults have people choose by dividing a person's loyalty. It's God through their leadership by claiming to be the only Spokesman or group for God. They also require obedience to their leadership to be in right standing with God. They do not tolerate another’s differing opinions and it is looked upon as being divisive or of the enemy."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Eight Marks of Heresies that Make a Cult

From the beginning of the church we are warned against divisions (Schisms a breaking away which means heresy Rom.16:17-18)1 Jn.2:19 "they went out from us but they were not of us, if they had been of us , they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made known that none of them were of us." John is writing about those who denied Jesus came in the flesh (meaning they did not believe God came as a human and rose bodily). They left the fellowship of believers that were holding to the apostles doctrine. Today many other aberrations just as false have arisen, and given birth to offshoots in the Church.Sociologist, John Lofland, comments that '"cults are 'little groups' which break off from the conventional consensus and espouse very different views of the real, the possible, and the moral."' (Quoted in Ronald Enroth, "What Is a Cult?" in A Guide to Cults and New Religions 1983, p.14.) Throughout the old and New Testament we are warned of false teaching and teachers. Here are only a few references. False teachers in Isa.8:2 false prophets in Deut.13 and 18. Jesus warned of false prophets and teachers in Mt.7:15, Mt.24:23-24; Mk.13:6,21-22. we are warned by Paul in 2 Cor. 11:14; Gal.1:8-9; Col.2:8-9; 2 Thess. 2, 1 Tim.1:3-4,4:1-2. By Peter in 1 Pt.5:8-9,2 Pt.2:1-3. By John 1 Jn.2:18-23, 2 Cor. 4:1-5. Just about every book of the Bible mentions a warning of error and falsehood. There are two ways a cult operates in falsehood. Theologically and sociologically. From belief and practice. Some are theologically dangerous others are sociologically dangerous. Not all cults are harmful to someone’s physical well being, but they are harmful spiritually if they mislead someone in their relationship to God through another gospel. They will all have control or manipulation over people in some fashion. They will hold the person to this particular group or church often with fear convincing them that there is no where else to go, no one else has the truth like they do. When the term cult is used by the secular world they mean any religious group viewed as strange or what may be considered dangerous. Christians point to major errors in core doctrines for justification in using the word cult. Cults contain deviations from the doctrines of historic orthodox Christianity. When we hear the word cult we envision people held against their will confined away from society, working with little or no pay, or abused. They are unable to think for themselves having been changed into religious robotic zealots. While these descriptions are possible and have occurred in extreme circumstances they are often unlikely. Someone once said a cult is everyone who disagrees with your belief. This is essentially what the leaders of the these groups will state. If someone does not agree with their particular interpretation of the Bible or of God they are against God. This is their exclusivism at work. The word 'Cult' does have a stigma attached to it and has been thrown around too easily and can be a mislabeling if not understood or explained. So we want to explain what are the common practice's that the majority of Cults share to help you identify them. We need to understand that a cult (or a aberrational group) can be identified into two categories. By theology and or sociological behavior.There are two categories of cults, non -Christian and Christian cults. The Christian cult claims to have the truth of Christ and salvation but they deny one or more of the core doctrines of the Christian faith. To simplify an identification of a Christian cult it would be noticeable in several categories. Who is Jesus, the way of salvation, what is your final source of authority and how they relate to others. They want to call themselves Christian without adhering to the tenets of the historic "doctrinal " faith. They change the major core teachings to mean something other than they are defined in the Bible and by the history of the church. The cults do not agree with the historic (Biblical) Christian faith. The Bible does not use the word "cult." However the Bible does address religious errors in teaching and practice. It does not take these teachers lightly and it does not excuse those who teach them. The Bible applies to them words such as "heresy," "heretic," "false teachers," "false prophets," "false apostles, and "false Christ's". Those who teach contrary to the core teachings may say of themselves "we are not a "cult" but this does not change the fact that they are in this category. The Bible reprimands heresy, false teachings, false doctrines, and false prophecy and tells us to refute, reproof, correct, and expose it by defending the truth (Jude 3). This can often take place publicly as they teach their falsehood publicly. Those who claim to be Christian that are found to teach heresy will often be the strongest opponents against those who point out their false teachings. They want to censure them so they can continue to teach unchallenged. It is for this reason cults do not like be too noticed and will not debate or discuss the issues brought up publicly. For the most part, they will avoid public exposure or scrutiny because they will lose their membership.Both cult's and a sect adhere to a distinctive doctrine that oftentimes is majoring on the minors. Sect's on the other hand refer to a religious denomination or a group of people that broke from another body they were involved with to form their own. For example there are sects in Islam and Mormonism (like the RLDS). The term sect can at time have similarities to a cult but its identification does not help someone identify how severe a deviation from the original they are. This is especially true with those who claim their Christianity is exclusive only to themselves being the only way as the one true Church.Definition of a cultTHE ORIGINAL USE OF THE WORD "CULT" AS WELL AS IT'S USE TODAY DERIVES FROM THE LATIN WORD "CULTUS" WHICH MEANS "WORSHIP".DICTIONARY DEFINITION- A GROUP BOUND TOGETHER IN A INTENSE DEVOTION TO A PERSON, IDEAL OR THING; A SYSTEM OF BELIEFS AND RITUALS THAT ARE BOGUS. In other words they are practicing a false system of spirituality while claiming to be authentic.In 1912 Ernst Troeltsch in the book social teaching of the Christian church, classified religious groups in three groups: "Church", "sect", and "cult". A cult represented a mystical or spiritual religion to intellectuals and educated classes.With a more Biblical perspective, in 1938 Jan Van Baalens' "The Chaos of Cults" critiqued Theosophy, Mormonism, Christian Science, and Jehovah's Witnesses as 'Cults.' Because they were aberrant in their teachings while claiming to be Christian.Christian apologist Robert Bowman defines a cult as A religious group originating as a heretical sect and maintaining fervent commitment to heresy. Adj.: "cultic" (may be used with reference to tendencies as well as full cult status.( Robert Bowman, A Biblical guide to Orthodoxy and heresy.)Cult's will say they are the way to Christ and Christ Himself is not the way. So they put themselves as a group or their teaching in between man and God. They become mediators between God and man. They do not have the Christian distinctive, but will claim to be Christian in their beliefs and practices. It was Christ himself who Said "I Am the way, the truth the life."A THEOLOGICAL DEFINITION A THEOLOGICAL DEFINITION OF "CULT" MUST BE BASED ON A STANDARD OF CHRISTIAN ORTHODOXY. USING THE BIBLE'S TEACHING AS A FOCAL POINT. A CULT IS ANY RELIGIOUS GROUP THAT CLAIMS TO BE CHRISTIAN (OR MAY NOT BE) IS DISTINCT AND HAS DOCTRINES AND PRACTICES THAT CONTRADICT THOSE OF THE SCRIPTURES AS INTERPRETED BY ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY. THOSE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN UPHELD IN HISTORIC CHRISTIANITY .ORTHODOXY IS REPRESENTED FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CHURCH, AND IS EXPRESSED IN STATEMENTS SUCH AS THE APOSTLES CREED WHICH ARE DENIED . THEY WILL DENY THE BIBLE AS THE COMPLETE BOOK OF REVELATION AND OUR GUIDE TO KNOWING GOD. THEY WILL DISTORT THE CENTRAL MESSAGE OF THE SCRIPTURES AS CHRIST BEING THE SAVIOR ALONE. THEY WILL DENY HIS DEITY AND DISTORT HIS NATURE. THEY FORM THEIR GROUP AROUND A SINGLE PERSONS INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE, OR CHRIST USUALLY BY A NEW REVELATION. THEY REMOVE THEMSELVES FROM THE LARGER BODY AND OPERATE AUTONOMOUSLY. A CULT IS ORGANIZED HERESY. THEY WILL DISTORT ONE OR MORE OF THE FUNDAMENTALS.Walter Martin described a cult like this: "as a group of people gathered about a specific persons interpretation of the bible... from a theological view point, the cults contain not only a few major deviations from historic Christianity. They paradoxically, they continue to insist that they are entitled to be classified as Christians." (Kingdom of the cults p.11)In his book The New Cults, Walter Martin defines a cult as “a group religious in nature which surrounds a leader, or a group which either denies or misinterprets essential biblical doctrines.” It is not our personal opinion on this site of those who are called a cult or labeled as aberrant. Almost unanimously those that are found in this category are written about in books and on other websites for years. These are held to be such by the majority in the Apologetic- Cult Research community. Many new groups continue to spring up and we will try our best to keep you informed on them and explain why their teachings are not Biblical. However this may not be possible with all the new religious movements on the scene. For this reason it is to ones advantage to become familiar with the heresies in the past so they can be recognized today.The difference between a sect and a cult The term sect comes from the Late Latin secta, which means an “organized church body.” That in turn is rooted in the Latin sequi, which means “to follow,” and is used of “way of life,” or “class of persons.” The term sect, can and is sometimes exchanged for the term cult. A Sect can refer to: a religious denomination a group of people that broke from another greater body of religion to form their own. It can be to reform and go back to truth or deviate further from it.Most offshoots are formed as the result of schism (division; separation). In this case, the term also borrows from the Latin sectus, which means “cut” or “divide.” They are distinguished because of their adherence to their own religious beliefs. An example of a sect would be the Re-organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints who are an offshoot of The Mormons Latter-day Saints. However this is a group that claims they are the original Latter Day Saints.The term sect can be exchanged for cult but does not carry the weight of severity that most want to get across. Both a cult and a sect adhere to a distinctive doctrine that oftentimes is majoring on the minors. The members have a leader or a groups teachings that are used to interpret the bible. The main difference between the two is that a cult is more exclusive in its demands on its people and their claims as being the only true way to salvation as the one true Church. Counter-cult (Christian) organizations usually oppose cults for their deviation in doctrinal matters. Their intention is to warn and rescue those who are involved in false teaching and practice. Some false teaching and practices are more serious than others as they are an immediate threat to ones welfare or physical life. Most of these ministries (both religious and secular) provide the service to cult-members and their loved ones information that may help them leave those movements. It is easier to prevent someone from joining a cult than it is to get them out afterwards. So we want to give the other side of the story that they often do not tell. We are not subscribing any enforcement on ones decision. It is a persons own choice what group or religion they will join. What is important before one invests their time and money is to find out what the group really teaches. This information often does not come openly from the group but will be told after one has committed themselves to the teachings. Legalism There are some groups that have right doctrine but are steeped in legalism. Legalism are laws that are unscriptural or biblical laws that are no longer to be practiced. They make ones walk heavy and the effect is having them lose their joy. They become toilsome, harsh and inflexible. The Pharisees couldn’t show mercy the heavier matters of the law because of their legalism although they knew the Scriptures well enough. Love and legalism don’t mix, love is flexible willing to yield. Love, grace and peace are a family they bring health and growth to an individual. While extra laws are a burden and often times bring bondage if not exercised by an individuals own free choice, legalism may not affect ones salvation as much as it will affect their spiritual growth. It certainly can affect their relationship to the Lord. churches that are orthodox in doctrine can fall under a pastor or leadership that goes beyond their God given authority and manipulate the congregation or individual members. What are some of the teachings that cults hold in common?1. THEY DEIFY MANTEACHING THAT MAN MAY BECOME GOD, OR IS A PART OF GOD. MAN NEEDS TO BE A PART OF A CERTAIN GROUP OR CHURCH TO LEARN NEW REVELATION OR KNOWLEDGE TO PROGRESS TO GODHOOD. SOMEONE, USUALLY THE LEADER WILL SAY THEY ARE GOD OR HAS THE CHRIST SPIRIT IN A GREATER WAY. THAT THEY ARE COMMISSIONED OR APPOINTED TO BE THE LEADER BY GOD.2.THEY HUMANIZE GODSOME GROUPS DENY THAT GOD IS ETERNAL. SOME BELIEVE IN MANY GODS, OR THAT ALL IS GOD (PANTHEISM). OTHER GROUPS SUCH AS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES TEACH THAT GOD'S NATURE OR STATE OF BEING MUST BE UNDERSTOOD AND REASONABLE TO BE TRUE. IN OTHER WORDS, IF FINITE MAN CANNOT UNDERSTAND SOMETHING ABOUT GOD THEN IT IS NOT TRUE. THIS TECHNIQUE SUBTLY ELEVATES MAN'S MENTAL ABILITY TO THAT OF GOD. 3.THEY MINIMIZE OR ELIMINATE SINTHE BIBLICAL CONCEPT OF SIN IS NOT TAUGHT, OR IS COMPLETELY ELIMINATED BY SOME GROUPS. THIS IS SEEN IN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, MIND SCIENCE, RELIGIOUS SCIENCE, AND NEW AGE GROUPS. MEANINGS THAT ARE BIBLICAL ARE CHANGED TO THEIR OWN PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS THAT ARE NOT RELATED TO THE CONTEXT OR ORIGINAL INTENT OF THE AUTHOR..4.THEY MINIMIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BIBLEMOST ORGANIZED HERESIES (CULTS) USE "ANOINTED" INFORMATION, BOOKS, MAGAZINES OR SCRIPTURES. THESE ARE BELIEVED TO BE JUST AS OR MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE BIBLE. THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE IN UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE. SOME GROUPS STRONGLY DISCOURAGE THEIR MEMBERS FROM READING THE BIBLE ALONE, AND SOME DO NOT BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD ALONE. OTHERS USE THE BIBLE WITH THEIR OWN UNIQUE INTERPRETATION UNKNOWN EVER IN THE CHURCH HISTORY OR ALIGN THEMSELVES WITH WHAT WAS CONSIDERED HERESY.5. THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT WAY OF SALVATIONMANY ORGANIZED HERESIES TEACH A "GRACE PLUS WORKS" SALVATION. MANY TEACH THAT MAN POSSESSES AT LEAST SOME ABILITY TO EARN ETERNAL LIFE BY THEIR OWN WORKS BY GRACE PERFECTED THROUGH THEIR WORKS. SALVATION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN THE FINISHED WORK OF JESUS CHRIST ON CALVARY IS DENIED. THE CROSS IS NOT SUFFICIENT. A SYSTEM OF GOOD WORKS, DICTATED BY THE GROUP, HELPS THE MEMBERS EARN ETERNAL LIFE . MEMBERSHIP IN THEIR ORGANIZATION OR CHURCH IS A REQUIREMENT FOR SALVATION IN MOST OF THESE CULTS.6. THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT JESUSVIRTUALLY ALL ORGANIZED HERESIES DENY THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST, THEY TEACH THAT JESUS IS NOT THE TRUE GOD MANIFEST IN HUMAN FORM BUT SOMETHING LESS, SUCH AS A CREATED BEING, AN ANGEL, A PROPHET, AN ASCENDED MASTER OR JUST "a god" (SECONDARY). SOME TEACH WE TOO CAN BE THE VERY SAME AS JESUS. IN THIS WAY THEY CHANGE THE CLEAR TEACHING OF THE BIBLE OF HIM BEING THE UNIQUE (ONLY BEGOTTEN) SON OF GOD.7. THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT SPIRITMOST ORGANIZED HERESIES TEACH THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT GOD BUT AN IMPERSONAL FORCE OR ENERGY THAT EMANATES FROM GOD TO PERFORM CERTAIN FUNCTIONS, MUCH LIKE THE ENERGY FLOWING FROM A BATTERY TO START A CAR. SOME TEACH THAT IT PERMEATES EVERYTHING AND WE CAN BREATHE IT IN. PRACTICES OF SPIRITISM INCLUDING VISITS BY SPIRIT BEINGS ARE COMMON IN THE NEW AGE AND THEY HAVE COUNTERFEIT MIRACLES TO VALIDATE THEMSELVES.8. THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE THE ONLY TRUE CHURCHTHE ONE MARK OF AN ORGANIZED HERESY THAT IS THE MOST COMMON IS THEIR CLAIM TO BE THE ONLY GROUP OR CHURCH ORDAINED BY GOD. THEY ALONE SPEAK FOR GOD ON EARTH TODAY. GOD DIRECTS ONLY THEIR ORGANIZATION, OR CHURCH. THIS IS DONE EITHER THROUGH A LEADER WHO HAS ALL THE SAY OR A GROUP. IF ANYONE COMES TO YOU CLAIMING THEY REPRESENT THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST OR GOD, AND DENY THAT ANYONE ELSE OUTSIDE THEMSELVES CAN BE PART, YOU CAN BE SURE THAT THEY ARE NOT FROM GOD. ALL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES WILL RECOGNIZE OTHERS THAT HOLD THE SAME CORE TEACHINGS THAT THEY DO, THAT WERE ALWAYS PART OF THE HISTORIC CHRISTIAN FAITH.THE CORE BELIEFS UNITE ONE IN CHRIST AS THERE IS A CERTAIN CRITERIA FOR BIBLICAL DOCTRINE. THIS HAS BEEN HELD SINCE THE INCEPTION OF THE SCRIPTURES WRITTEN BY THE APOSTLES AND TAUGHT BY THE CHURCH.